Tattle Tale

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Tattle Tale (.MP3)


About the crazy things you do,
What if I told your mom?
I mean... come on,
When you're way wrong,
How long...
Do you think you can get away with it?

Why not stop it... quit?!?!?!

Or, do I have to tell your mommy,
About the way you're treating me?
You call me a cry baby,
But, just maybe...
Our roles are contrary?

So, what if your mama were to know,
You refuse to grow,
And, throw a temper tantrum,
What if I told your mom?
Since you're acting like a child,
What if I told your mom,
About her child gone wild?
When you vent,
You get violent,
At least, that's the way it went,
So, what if I told your mom,
How you've done me wrong?
Would you change the way you behave,
Knowing your mother knows?
Would your rational cave,
Knowing the way it really goes?
Would you think twice,
About being nice,
If your mama knows?

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