Miss Chief

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MissChief (.MP3)


It's mischief night,
And, somethin' ain't right,
You've a premonition,
About our condition,
When we have to fear,
Evil'll draw near,
I wanna make sure,
It steers clear...
(Or, cannibalizes,
Until there is no more.)


Trick or treat,

Let's motion,
For decency.
Run, run, run,

A shadows been cast,
Will any light last?
As darkness descends,
What message will we send.

We seek solace,
Under lunar eclipse,
The darkside of the moon,
Bringing on the gloom.

We can rekindle,
Our candle,
Bringing on a shine,
To last all of time.

The Earth moves on,
We watch it happen,
The sun still burns...
As light returns.
Our Chief has moved,
Heaven and Earth,
She has proved,
Her utmost worth,
Out of the shadows,
And, into the light,
Hope everyone follows,
And, feels alllllllllllright!

Hail our Chief, (Miss Chief)
Not mischief,
Bring on relief, (Miss Chief)
Not mischief,
Climb on top,
Not underneath,
Evil'll stop,
Ending grief.

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